Sunday, 28 October 2012

Crossfit Girl- 1st weighted STRICT pull up!


Funny Crossfit Ecard

A. Weighted Pull-Ups 1-1-1

- 8k! This is great because I was struggling with strict pull ups only a few months ago! I can finally add weight to my pull ups and work on getting stronger. Very happy.

Squat Chick
B. 100 Push ups (for time)

- The real workout was 100 pull ups for time but there is a competition on saturday that I am competing in and I don't want to ruin my hands in case there is a lot of pull ups in the wods!
My time for the push ups was 5:10. They were HRPU's which are faster/easier than strict. My goal for next time is 4:30. I was taking a lot of breaks and working on technique during the push ups but next time I'll be more prepared to go faster lol
C. 12 Rounds For Time
     3 Burpees
     6 KBS 2/1.5p
     9 Squats

-  9:21 rx. Tough wod but the KBS felt surprisingly easy and I did them unbroken each round! Great/exhausting workout! 

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