Friday 29 June 2012


3 Rounds For Time:
    10 C&J 60/45
    100m Run

I used 40k for the WOD and nearly died! After the first round, I wanted to drop the weight but stopped myself. If I pussied out on 40k, I'll never get to 45. It took me 10:11 which is pretty annoying but hey! I can only get better right?!...Right. 

My goal is to smile and laugh during WODS like Annie Thorisdottir. 
The day that happens will be the scariest day on earth. Or the coolest. lol

Crossfit Kitty...Can't be helped!

I took that photo two months ago when I bought a new pair of crossfit socks. I look pretty happy. SAY CHEESE!

Charlie James VS Cindy

Charlie James -Youtube fitness girl 
Yesterday was a great day at Crossfit!

MAY 29 WOD 'Cindy' AMRAP 20 min
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 squats
---16 rounds and 5 push ups Rx

On May 29, I completed 16 rounds with the use of a purple band for the pull ups. I thought that was pretty good but I was looking forward to the day when I didn't need the band to help me with pull ups. I've been practicing pull ups all month without a band just to get used to it and ditch the band once and for all!
On June 28 I completed that same WOD without a band and finished off with 16 rounds and 5 push ups . I felt like dying the whole time but my goal was not to limit myself. At first, I was hoping to AT LEAST  get 12 rounds, since I knew it would be  a lot more strenuous without a band. After I reached 12, I realized that I can just keep going at a steady place and get to over 15 rounds. Big improvement in one month...I'm a pretty happy crossfit nerd.
          Ive always thought that Charlie James , I think her real name is Zuzana (youtube fitness star) was so fit and had the greatest workouts that would get anyone in kick ass shape. However, I don't think I'ver ever seen her do a pull up! Other than that she would do great in this WOD because all of her workouts consist of body weight exercises and 'Cindy' is all about body squats and push ups. Charlie Vs Cindy...Hmm, I would like to see that one!
         Charlie James was one of the women I aspired to look like before I started crossfit! I thought she was perfect in every sense! I was about 19 years old when I would watch her videos before going to the YMCA, trying to get some motivation. She was my ideal perfect bod.
-Small arms, big boobs, tinny waist, strong legs.
I realized that to look THAT skinny (because she is practically a double 0), I would have to eat way less and get a boob job. lol Pretty easy. Too easy. Boring.
        Doing crossfit made me dump Charlie James. Don't get me wrong, she has a great body...But how can I look up to someone who can't even do a pull up? It's taken me months to learn how to do one and I can't stop bragging! She's been on youtube for YEARS and doesn't do them! YEARS! >>> An example of how 'fitness' girls can make it big on the internet with a great thumbnail picture, tight lulu pants, a lot of fake panting and fake boobs. I'm going to start making videos of my workouts. Minus the fake boobs. I can't promise that I won't be panting because Crossfit kicks my ass every time and I sound like a demon when I'm training...a cute one. I've been working out for years and never really saw any changes in my body. I'm about 5'5 125 pounds. I started doing Crossfit strictly for a bit over 3 months and I've never been stronger! GrrrrrRrr!!! I am just so angry I didn't discover it earlier. I feel like I need to catch up for all the years I wasn't dong it. Oh well.

Thursday 28 June 2012


It's 2 AM and I've finally decided to write my first blog. I procrastinate so much it's disgusting. I mean, this isn't a homework assignment, it's supposed to be fun. It shouldn't take me weeks, months or even years to start blogging. Pathetic.
Anyway, I have a great idea that I must put into action, otherwise it is just a dream. I always hear about people who live their dream by doing something they love and it never seems fathomable to me. It always seems too hard, too unrealistic, too "dreamy". My parents just say "get a 9-5 job, have weekends off and enjoy your days off." But what if I can make my LIFE  a day off by doing what I love!? 

I am not getting any younger! Im 23. Seems young but in today's world, things move FAST. You gotta chase what you want and waiting around will just give you wrinkles. Ew. I am obsessed with working out and doing crossfit! I am in broadcasting TV and trying to figure out what I can do with my diploma when I complete my last year. I definitely know that I want to be on camera as a reporter....but for what?!? I've decided that the smartest idea is to combine the two things I love most and make it my career. 

1. Fitness
2. Entertainment

Taking videos, pictures and blogging about my workouts can go a long way. People love to see transformations and watch videos of girls working out for either inspiration or motivation. I youtube a lot and I rarely see videos of normal looking girls completing crossfit workouts and weightlifting. I always find videos of athletes that intimidate the shit out of me. It would be a GOLDEN idea if I started posting videos of my training, improvement and occasional food plan to show the average girl that they can lift heavy shit and look awesome. 
If I follow the rights steps and keep the big picture in mind...this can go a long way. I mean, in this ridiculous world in which a girl can create an empire over one dinky sexy tape (kim kardashian), I can make this BIG. I'd have to think big to get big and if i just want to be a personal trainer...well, heck, that's not much to blog about.