Thursday 28 February 2013


Lacey Van Der Marel's Snatch

Snatch Princess: Lacey Van Der Marel

I have been watching her snatch videos for the last few months and I love her technique! She drops right under the bar and does not give a shit if it's heavy! 
I need to be more ballsy and drop under it more. My best snatch is 44k and I power it. Technique is so important in the snatch and I need to master it! Anyhow, thought I'd share her video:) 

Crossfit Girl Lacey Van Der Marel (She has a beautiful snatch!)


Wednesday 13 February 2013

Iron Kitty Crossfit Rules


1. Surpass your goals. One muscle up is nice but 3 or 4 in a row is way more impressive. Always surprise yourself with what you can do*

2. Cake? What cake? Ditch you're deadly cravings!! Crossfit+Bikini= NO CAKE. HA! OK MAYBE A SLICE BUT NOT A WHOLE ONE. 

3. Make your weaknesses your b/tch***PRACTICE. No one ever got better at something by just watching instructional videos. Put in WORK.

4. Don't get lazy with technique. I'll never clean 80k with a round back and starting now will only develop bad habits...and break my back.

5. Train for the Games...What? I'm allowed to think BIG. In fact, everyone should. Success never came to those who didn't believe in themselves.

6. Don't get discouraged too easily. You won't PR everyday. Some days are better than others and failure is common. Just be patient and remember that it's fun and you'll drop the sassy attitude.

7. Rest days are important! Take a day off, it won't kill you. 

8. PROTEIN. Food is important and a sloppy diet will negatively effect your training. Don't waste your time in the box if you're going to "reward" yourself with carbs and treats!

9. If you're failing at something and want to quit, look at #3 and shut up.

10. You are your own competition. Who am I kidding! Battles are fun just don't get too carried away.

                                                  HAPPY WODDING:)

Christmas Abbott Thinking Of Crossfit Rules...Hmm,What Would Kitty Do?...:P