Sunday 30 September 2012

Snatch T!me


A. 3 Hang Power Snatch + 1 OHS

- Practiced technique.My snatches are ugly!!! I have developed a bad habit of using my back way too much. I need to focus on using lighter weights (25-30k) and practicing technique.

Crossfit Chick 
B. 10 Min AMRAP
      7 HSPU

      7 T2B

Crossfit Girl Deadlift (245lb)
- 4 rounds and 5 T2B with an ab mat. Getting a lot better at doing HSPU's! I have to focus on tying my T2B's together so that I don't waste time.

Thursday 27 September 2012

Squat til you drop


A. Back Squat 5-5-5

- 75x5...80x4...failed 4th rep!!! I'm still happy with my squat since my PR for one was 90k on August 20.

Crossfit Girl Libby DiBiase

B. 3 Rounds  For Time

     Run 400M
     50 Squat
     35 KBS 1.5/1p
     20 Box Jumps 24/20

Crossfit Girl Libby DiBiase

- 21:21min. This wod was so exhausting and long! This was the first time my stomach was cramping up so much during a wod that I had to sit down during the box jumps. K..maybe not the first time but the most RECENT time during a wod. lol Great workout but I felt really slow. I took a lot of breaks during the KBS and wasted a lot of time doing that. OH WELL! Gotta get stronger and work on staying consistent. My goal for the KBS was to divide them as 15-15-5 but after the 1st round I was doing 10-10-10-5...slowed me down!!! It's all in my head..I'm going to be exhausted no matter what so I just have to stick to my goals... PHEWF...I'm tired just thinking about it ;)

Wednesday 26 September 2012

Abbie Burrows

Boobs can be bought but a booty is made
I don’t know much about bodybuilding but Burrows stands out for me. Some people may say “ Fake tan. Fake boobs” but I say “Real ass. Real abs”. She looks great and even though she’s not a crossfitter, her physique is motivating and smoking!



Tuesday 25 September 2012

Heavy Weights=Small Waist

Crossfitting for 6 months now and I am getting stronger everyday! Here are a few stats to brag about my improvement :P
MAY 17 500M ROW= 2:15MIN
APRIL 28 "GRACE"(35K)= 7.22MIN

500M ROW=2:02MIN
"GRACE" (35K)= 4:10MIN
Lifting heavy weights and still looking feminine and strong (sort of). I have noticed so much improvement in my lifts and wods when I eat clean. Less chocolate and more meat will make me stronger, faster, bitchier, oops I mean healthier:) 

Grace WOD

September 25 WOD

A. Gymnastics

-I worked on pistols and pull ups. I am doing much better with my left leg when it comes to pistols since I've finally learnt to "bounce off my ankle" with the left leg. Practice is paying off! I can do 8-10 pull ups in a  row now but my form isn't the greatest.

Crossfit Girl- Cool Socks 

B. "Grace"
     30 Clean and Jerk FOR TIME

Crossfit Romance
- My time was 4:10 with a 35k bar. I beat my old time back in May which was 4:25 but I am still not happy with this wod!!! I need to get stronger this is frustrating. 4 months later and I only shaved 15 seconds off my last time. All I can do is work harder and stop complaining but damn it!!!!!! OK,I'll stop. 

Burpees!!! :/

September 24 WOD 

A. Clean + 1 Push Press(Max)

- 47k. The clean felt easier than the push press. I need to learn to use my legs more and it will become so much easier!

Camille Crossfit Girl
B. How Far Can You Go In 12Min
    1 Burpee, 1 Pull-Up
    2 Burpee, 2 Pull-Up
    3 Burpee, 3 Pull-Up

Crossfit Girl- After a great wod
- 10 rounds and 4 pull ups. This was a fun wod since I enjoy pull-ups. Burpees are a drag but it is always a great workout in the end. 

Friday 21 September 2012



A. Squat Clean Thruster 3-3-3

- 45k! Rough but did it! I practiced with 40k and did 3 reps of 3.

Christmass Abbott Motivation Crossfit Video

B. "Diane" 


Strong Crossfit Chick

This wod took me 11:20min. I used a purple block for the HSPU'S and I really dragged on in the end with the HSPU'S. I was thinking too much at one point and could barley lift myself off the ground! I used 70k for the deadliest which felt pretty easy. My downfall this wod was obviously the HSPU's. My goal is to start using a blue block for this wod in the next month even it takes me over 10 min (which it probably will). I have to focus more on building upper body strength if I want to do muscle-ups!!!

After the wod, I did 50-40-30-20-10 of KBS (16k) and sit-ups! I didn't train for a good 5 days before that so I had to get another workout in there before I went back to class. Starting to feel sore again :)



Iron Kitty 220lb x 3 Deadlift Video

 Crossfit Girl (new red fav:))
Randomly decided to deadlift after watching my boyfriend compete in New Orleans. I started with 220lbs and it felt easy peasy! I went up to 245lbs and started bragging about how I didn't have to warm up my deadlift. I was challenged to do 275lbs and I did it! My back was terribly round but I finished it and I'm happy that I beat my last PR by 5k :)

Tuesday 11 September 2012

Eat Fat, Get Lean

Iron Kitty Blogger
Fat is the answer. Carbs is the enemy. Damn it! I knew there was a catch!!!! I love baked goods...CAKES, TREATS AND CHOCOLATE! It is really tough to stop eating chocolate but the results in training is worth it. DO NOT GET ME WRONG. I'd be a liar if I said I didn't eat chocolate. I do, just not as much :). One step at a time. For a long time I thought that fat was bad but turns out it's only bad when its accompanied by a bunch of carbs. I have been trying to cut carbs for the past few months while increasing the amount of fats I eat (bacon+avocado mainly). I shift between 123-125 lbs and I am stronger than I have ever been. My goal isn't to lose weight. I want to remain the same weight but gain more muscle and strength. People are afraid to eat fat (I still am lol) but it really makes a difference in your diet once you cut carbs! You feel full longer and you have more energy. My boyfriend is always right. lol He has repeated this to me ("fat is good") for as long as I could remember! Next time you're afraid to get fat from eating fat...look at the results of a fat-eating, crossfitting kitty! 
Iron Kitty

Cleans and Push Press!


A. HSPU / Pistols

Crossfit Chick
- I am finally getting good at pistols:) For the past few days, I could only bounce off my right ankle when doings pistols but today, I did that with the left leg! Oohhh it is so exciting and I can't wait to practice them more so I never "unlearn" it lol Sounds nerdy but I've been practicing pistols for months and I have been working hard to get better at them.

B. Eight rounds for max reps of:
     Hang power clean, 20 seconds 50/35kg
     Rest 10 seconds
     Push press, 20 seconds 50/35kg
     Rest 10 seconds

     Rest 1 Min 
     Run 400 M

     Rest 1 Min
     Run 400 M

Crossfit Socks :)
- 86 reps with 30k and 4:20min for the run including the 1 min rest. I am pretty disappointed with my score for the first round since my weight wasn't THAT heavy. I need to work on using my legs more for the push press and cleans so I don't waste so much energy. I am getting better at running which is a little accomplishment:) My time for running 400m used to be over 2 minutes. It is now between 1:40- 1:45ish. Disappointed the first round but made up for it in the second round:)

ANGIE Crossfit Wod


Christmas Abbott (Before she mastered muscle ups!)     
 "Angie" FOR TIME

     100 Pull -Ups
     100 Push -Ups
     100 Sit -Ups
     100 Squats

- I did this wod in 25:49rx. I am really glad I completed the wod. This was really tough and it was my first time doing 100 pull ups in a row without a band. So exhausting! My goal is to shave of 3 minutes in this wod in 3 weeks. It's not very much time at all but with a better strategy, I know I can do it. I will have to be more efficient in the pull ups and take less breaks!!! Oooo GEEZ....I am getting exhausted just thinking about

Strategic Wod


A. Hang Full Snatch + OHS

- My best was 40k. My form was a mess but I still did that's not good. I was good at 35k and should probably stick with that until I get the technique down right. 
Crossfit Chick RITA BENAVIDEZ (I like her outfit)
B. For Time Accumulate 3000kg/6613lb
     Barbell Thruster (ex 40kg x 75 = 5830)
     Every Time The Bar Hits The Ground =       2 Burpees

Crossfit Chick
- I did this wod at 17:08 with 35k (86 reps). This was so tough but I am so glad I finished it! I decided to strategize with this wod and since I was going heavier, I would do 5 reps at a time and automatically have to do 2 burps after. At this rate, I wouldn't get too tired and work until "failure." I kept a steady pace and kept my mind focused on one rep at a time. This is one of the things I like most about crossfit; it becomes more of a game than a workout. 

Wednesday 5 September 2012

First Handstand Pushup!

I completed my first handstand pushup on September 4! I have been practicing HSPU's with blue/purple blocks for the past few months and I finally did one without them for the first time. I kipped it of course but that's a start! I could only do 2 of them before I got weak so I did max reps with a purple block for 2 sets afterwards. This is another little accomplishment that I am proud of. Yeehaw ^.^


Straight Work!!!


A. Clean + 3 Push Press

- 45k.I tried 50k and failed at the first rep. I waited a few minutes and tried it again. I managed to get the first rep and then failed at the second rep! GRRR!! So I went back down to 45k and tried doing 45kx3x2 but I failed at the 3rd rep the second time around. On MAY 29, my Push Press PR was 44k. I have now beat that and managed to do 45k for 3. So although I felt a bit discouraged today when I failed 50k, I am happy that I am slowly improving:)

     50 Air squats
     40 Wall Ball
     30 Push-ups
     20 T2B
     10 Burpees
     20 T2B
     30 Push-ups
     40 Wall Ball
     50 Air squat

Fit Girl
- My time was 16:19 rx with a 16lb wall ball. Today was my first time using a 16lb ball compared to the usual 14lb one I use. It didn't feel much different from a 14lb wallball which was a relief. I thought it was going to add a few minutes to my time. I enjoyed this wod even though the wall balls dragged on!!! Mastering toes to bar would shave a good minute or two off once I learn how to kip them properly. 

Pistol Torture


A. Weighted Walking Lunge 20 Meters

Crossfit Girl
- 40lb dumbbells each hand. It was pretty tough but I'm sure I can do 45lb next time:)

B. 15 Minute AMRAP
     5 C2B
     10 Alt Pistols
     15 KBS

Annie Thorisdottir-Pistols
- 6 rounds and 5 pistols rx'ish. I say 'ish because my pistols weren't as low as they should be. I need to work on them more and focus on quality reps.

Monday 3 September 2012

Scrawnier?!?! Stronger!!!!

It's only been a month since I posted my "before" pics. I haven't made any drastic changes (physically) but I am getting stronger! I weigh 123lbs and my best squat is 198lbs and my best deadlift is 264lbs. My goal is to continue to work hard and get those numbers higher. My OTHER goal is to stay lean and look like a bikini fitness model by doing crossfit. BAHAHA! :) 

JULY 2012






JULY 2012