Wednesday 5 September 2012

Straight Work!!!


A. Clean + 3 Push Press

- 45k.I tried 50k and failed at the first rep. I waited a few minutes and tried it again. I managed to get the first rep and then failed at the second rep! GRRR!! So I went back down to 45k and tried doing 45kx3x2 but I failed at the 3rd rep the second time around. On MAY 29, my Push Press PR was 44k. I have now beat that and managed to do 45k for 3. So although I felt a bit discouraged today when I failed 50k, I am happy that I am slowly improving:)

     50 Air squats
     40 Wall Ball
     30 Push-ups
     20 T2B
     10 Burpees
     20 T2B
     30 Push-ups
     40 Wall Ball
     50 Air squat

Fit Girl
- My time was 16:19 rx with a 16lb wall ball. Today was my first time using a 16lb ball compared to the usual 14lb one I use. It didn't feel much different from a 14lb wallball which was a relief. I thought it was going to add a few minutes to my time. I enjoyed this wod even though the wall balls dragged on!!! Mastering toes to bar would shave a good minute or two off once I learn how to kip them properly. 

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