Tuesday 11 September 2012

Strategic Wod


A. Hang Full Snatch + OHS

- My best was 40k. My form was a mess but I still did it...lol that's not good. I was good at 35k and should probably stick with that until I get the technique down right. 
Crossfit Chick RITA BENAVIDEZ (I like her outfit)
B. For Time Accumulate 3000kg/6613lb
     Barbell Thruster (ex 40kg x 75 = 5830)
     Every Time The Bar Hits The Ground =       2 Burpees

Crossfit Chick
- I did this wod at 17:08 with 35k (86 reps). This was so tough but I am so glad I finished it! I decided to strategize with this wod and since I was going heavier, I would do 5 reps at a time and automatically have to do 2 burps after. At this rate, I wouldn't get too tired and work until "failure." I kept a steady pace and kept my mind focused on one rep at a time. This is one of the things I like most about crossfit; it becomes more of a game than a workout. 

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