Tuesday 11 September 2012

Cleans and Push Press!


A. HSPU / Pistols

Crossfit Chick
- I am finally getting good at pistols:) For the past few days, I could only bounce off my right ankle when doings pistols but today, I did that with the left leg! Oohhh it is so exciting and I can't wait to practice them more so I never "unlearn" it lol Sounds nerdy but I've been practicing pistols for months and I have been working hard to get better at them.

B. Eight rounds for max reps of:
     Hang power clean, 20 seconds 50/35kg
     Rest 10 seconds
     Push press, 20 seconds 50/35kg
     Rest 10 seconds

     Rest 1 Min 
     Run 400 M

     Rest 1 Min
     Run 400 M

Crossfit Socks :)
- 86 reps with 30k and 4:20min for the run including the 1 min rest. I am pretty disappointed with my score for the first round since my weight wasn't THAT heavy. I need to work on using my legs more for the push press and cleans so I don't waste so much energy. I am getting better at running which is a little accomplishment:) My time for running 400m used to be over 2 minutes. It is now between 1:40- 1:45ish. Disappointed the first round but made up for it in the second round:)

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