Tuesday 25 September 2012

Grace WOD

September 25 WOD

A. Gymnastics

-I worked on pistols and pull ups. I am doing much better with my left leg when it comes to pistols since I've finally learnt to "bounce off my ankle" with the left leg. Practice is paying off! I can do 8-10 pull ups in a  row now but my form isn't the greatest.

Crossfit Girl- Cool Socks 

B. "Grace"
     30 Clean and Jerk FOR TIME

Crossfit Romance
- My time was 4:10 with a 35k bar. I beat my old time back in May which was 4:25 but I am still not happy with this wod!!! I need to get stronger this is frustrating. 4 months later and I only shaved 15 seconds off my last time. All I can do is work harder and stop complaining but damn it!!!!!! OK,I'll stop. 

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