Friday 21 September 2012



A. Squat Clean Thruster 3-3-3

- 45k! Rough but did it! I practiced with 40k and did 3 reps of 3.

Christmass Abbott Motivation Crossfit Video

B. "Diane" 


Strong Crossfit Chick

This wod took me 11:20min. I used a purple block for the HSPU'S and I really dragged on in the end with the HSPU'S. I was thinking too much at one point and could barley lift myself off the ground! I used 70k for the deadliest which felt pretty easy. My downfall this wod was obviously the HSPU's. My goal is to start using a blue block for this wod in the next month even it takes me over 10 min (which it probably will). I have to focus more on building upper body strength if I want to do muscle-ups!!!

After the wod, I did 50-40-30-20-10 of KBS (16k) and sit-ups! I didn't train for a good 5 days before that so I had to get another workout in there before I went back to class. Starting to feel sore again :)

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