Wednesday 27 November 2013


It's been almost 4 weeks after doing a bikini competition and I feel great. I am lifting heavy, doing wods and still working on gymnastic skills! 
I need to step my squat game back up but other than that I am happy with my training. I squatted 90k for 4 singles yesterday which is great but I used to do that for 3 sets of 4 in August! DAMN IT!!!!....Must keep training.
I competed at 119lbs and I'm currently only 122lbs. I don't mind because I still feel strong and I like how my clothes fit:) I cleaned 74k a week after the bikini competition which was a huge pr and I can't wait to try it again soon! 
I have been eating pretty clean since my competition because I keep hearing about people rebound after competitions and I don' have time for that! I want to get stronger and stay lean so that I can still rock a little dress and pick up 300lbs. 


1 comment:

  1. sorry but this clean looks terrible. Though you look great in bikini.
