Wednesday 29 August 2012

Lungin' Around


A. Hang Full Clean x 3 (no  re-gripping)

- 45k...ran outta time!!! I was hoping to try 50k or 48k.

Crossfit Babe 
B. For Time:
     200 D-U
     100 M Walking Lunge
     50 Hang D.B Squat Cleans
     25 HSPU

- This wod took me 18:48min. There was a 4:30min cap for the double unders and I only got to 55! I need to practice a lot!!!! TERRIBLE!!! I used a 30lb dumbbell for the squat cleans (which I'm content about) and I used a purple block for the HSPU. This was a really tough wod and it consisted of some of the things I need to focus on>>> double unders and hspu's. 

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