Thursday 2 August 2012

VIDEO Crossfit Girl Zercher Squat


A. Zercher squat 5-5-5

- 80k x 5. I am so happy with this because last week I did 70k for 5:) I still need to work on my form more but I'm still bragging!!! My PR front squat was 75k on June 11 so I'm excited to see if that number goes up.

B. 5 min AMRAP          

     5 Pull ups
    10 Push up

-- 6 rounds and 5 pull ups! I beat my personal goal which was to do 5 rounds in 5 minutes! Kipping is keyyyy!!!!!! I need to work on those a lot.
   - 1 min rest-

     5 min AMRAP
    10 Wall Ball
    15 KBS

-- 3 rounds and 2 wall balls. This was more exhausting than I thought! Wall balls were brutal and slow. 

   - 1 min rest -

    5 min AMRAP
    150m row
    20 GHD Sit ups

-- 2 rounds and 56m row. Going from the machine to the GHD used up some time lol but I still died during this wod.

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