Wednesday 8 August 2012

Strict/Push Press Day...Yay....


So before this WOD, I worked out for about 2 hours practicing double-unders, back squats and sit-ups. I foam rolled a lot because the wod the day before was brutal and destroyed my legs. I tried to beat my old PR back squat which was 85k on June 25. I did that again easily this time around but I failed 90k TWICE..AGAIN. It is so frustrating to repeat the same thing but I do feel an improvement even though my numbers are still the same. My form with 85k this time was a lot better and I'm super confident that I can do 90k really soon. I went down but it I kept struggling coming back up at the same spot. It is so damn heavy but I REALLY want to do it! I will do it! Next time:)  

A. Strict Press 3-3-3

- I did 30kx3x5. I tried 35 but I used my legs and FAILED. Too heavy. Instead of keep trying, I did more sets with 30k. I couldn't even do ONE with 35 -.- Quite annoying. 

Human Press lolol
B. 3 rounds for time:
    10 KB Snatches LH 24/16
    10 KB Push Press 24/16
    10 KB Snatches RH 24/16
    10 KB Push Press 24/16
    10 T2B

- My time was 15:28min. I used a 35 db instead of a KB. This was a really tough wod for me because push press is my weakness. My upper body strength is so shitty that a 35db felt like it was crushing me! Toes to bar were fun and felt like a break compared to push press. 

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