Wednesday 29 August 2012

Rowin + Swingin


A. Gymnastics + 500 M Row

- Row time: 2:08min.
-I practiced HSPU and snatches. I did about 7 sets of 3 with 30k. I am working on my form and keeping the bar close since I am terrible at that. Snatches are a lot of work because you're thinking the whole time! If you lose focus for a second, it could ruin everything and you can injure yourself pretty easily.

Handstands can be romantic too! ;-P
B. 21-15-9

Showin her form off
-10:58 RX. This wod felt tough especially after doing Fran the day before! I am not too crazy about my time but I know my weaknesses and what I need to work on. That's the good part right? I can easily take off minutes from my time by kipping at a steady pace and that just means I need to practice until I get there. Other than that, I am happy that I did this wod RX and that I don't have to use a band anymore:) 

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