Friday 10 August 2012



New Belt, New PR :)
A) Deadlift 1-1-1

- On July 3, my PR deadlift was 110k. Today I did 120k! My back was rounding but I'm still really proud of it..muahaha! After only 5 weeks I deadlifted 112k today pretty easily and my back didn't look nearly as round as it did on July 3! I am beginning to like heavy lifting more and more...but I think it's because I'm just really excited about my new pink belt and I just want to use it all the time lol JOY TO THE WORLD. NEW PR.

Video: Crossfit Girl Deadlifts 120k  

B)   30 KBS (16k)
     20 WALL BALL (14lb)
     10 PULL UPS
5 rounds for time

- My time was 26:02. It took me a long ass time. I took my time in between sets and almost gave up after the third round. I am not used to doing 5 rounds, especially after lifting heavy. Oh well! It was a great workout. 

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