Wednesday 1 August 2012

Handstand Pushups


A. HSPU Max Reps x 5

Miranda Oldroyd Crossfit Girl
- I used a blue block and did 35 total. I learned how to kip HSPU for the first time today which was a great achievement! I really need to work on my upper body strength. Man, I feel like in every post I'm saying how I need to work on things...GrrrrrRr!CROSSFIT will never be easy!!!!!!EVER!

B. For Time:
    21 D.B Squat Cleans
    100m Run
    21 Pull-Ups
    100m Run
    15 D.B Squat Clean
    100m Run
    15 Pull-Ups
    100m Run
    9 D.B Squat Clean
    100m Run
    9 Pull-Ups 
    100m Run

- I used 30lb dumbbells and finished in 15:05min. The first round was dreadful! I actually didn't think I would finish the wod at one point. My pull ups are a mess! I need to practice kipping a lot more to save time and not waste so much energy dropping down and getting back up the bar again. My hands hurt though...(EXCUSE!)

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